About Us
Digital Abilities (DA) is a unique computer training center because of its abilities across all technical fields, and this is where it gets its name Digital Abilities. At DA, every individual or group shall find the package that suits their need. The schedule is flexible, and a trainee may request for home service or visit DA's training center in Lagos.
Digital Abilities was founded in March, 2020 in Ogun State Nigeria, and was servicing only engineers seeking to learn AutoCAD, Solidworks, Fusion 360, and Autodesk Inventor. The trainings at the time had a two month training duration because the trainer also had an engineering job where he was the Lead Draughtsman (3d drafting & design engineer).
Later in 2022 the trainer quit his job with the engineering company and moved Digital Abilities to Lagos state because of the enormous request to learn CAD and Graphics Design especially by residents in Lagos. This huge demand made Digital Abilities into a full-fledged computer training academy. Trainings with DA can last for three weeks or one month depending on the trainees availability; trainers in Digital Abilities are fully dedicated to service, reliable and available. Currently, Digital Abilities is in many Secondary Schools in Lagos rendering practical computer application education.
Also DA has recruited staff that are undergoing training to fit in with DA's standard of training and for the sake of expansion; DA seeks to grow branches in Port Harcourt and Abuja in 2024. On a lighter note: trainers in Digital Abilities are popularly called Abilities-man, and that is because we are able!
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